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We’re Back

EVENING CHORES – a 15″ x 20″ watercolor that has been selected for numerous watercolor exhibitions.

It has been a long time – very long – since any activity has taken place on the Moosewalk Studios website. Thank you to all the individuals who have remained faithful and continued to keep in touch.

The past 12 months were not overly kind health-wise to either Roarke or Gary. No need to bore you with any of the details other than to let you know that we are fine, active and back to operating the studio and gallery. The “down time” did provide us with the opportunity to produce a new series of work with some striking and exciting new images.

The gallery is currently open thru early May by appointment (call at 802-583-2224). Once the volumes of snow disappear we will be open regular hours for the late spring thru autumn gallery season. Starting May 16, hours at Moosewalk are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5 PM with most Fridays open as well. Other days are by chance. Guest artists will be joining us on occasion.

The Gallery will be participating in the spring Vermont Open Studios on May 24 & 25 and the autumn Vermont Open Studios on October 4 & 5. Studio hours for both events are 10 AM to 5 PM on all days. These state-wide events are presented annually by the Vermont Crafts Council.

Gary will not be holding a painting workshop this coming spring but will resume his presentations here in Warren with a workshop on October 11 & 12 . Details will be available on this website in late spring. He will be conducting landscape watercolor workshops for the Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville on March 29, April 5 & 12. Pre-registration is required (802-644-5100).

Information on private lessons by both Roarke and Gary is available on other pages of this website

Both artists remain active with events sponsored by the Valley Artists Guild. Guild activities can be found on the Guild website at www.valleyartistsguild.org.

Certain of the images on the gallery pages of this website are still available while some have already found homes elsewhere. The gallery pages will be updated with images of new work in the very near future.

Again, thank you for our continued support and we look forward to seeing you in the near future.